Part Number: X275A-R5
144GB 15K FC-AL Universal Disk Drive for DS14 / DS14mk2
Systems Compatibility
Filers: FAS250, FAS270,
Disk Shelf Type: DS14, DS14mk2 FC, DS14mk4 FC
Min rev ONTAP: 6.4.5
Sysconfig Output: NETAPP X275_ S15K4146F15

We have a large inventory of refurbished NetApp X275A-R5 disk drives available for immediate delivery. Along with the used NetApp X275A-R5 disk drives, we also carry many other disk drives and NAS SAN storage solutions. Please visit for more information.

All NetApp X275A-R5 disk drives are rigorously tested on-site in our state-of-the-art hardware engineering lab. The highest quality of refurbishing, technical testing, and certification is guaranteed.

We have the world's largest inventory of refurbished NetApp hardware on the planet so if you cannot find the used NetApp disk drive you need, please call us at (952) 653-1700 for information about our current inventory.