The HP StorageWorks 8000 Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA8000) is the largest of its family members, the EVA4000 and EVA6000. This model is known for offering a lofty performance, high capacity, and high accessibility RAID storage solution. It's intended for the high-end, business critical purchaser because it eliminates the time, space, and cost barriers created by traditionally architected storage solutions.

Vibrant is a reseller of current and EOL used HP Storageworks EVA Disk Arrays, Storage Arrays and enclosures as well as hard drives, parts and options for the HP Enterprise Virtual Storage Array.

Specs on the EVA8000 include:
  • Can support up to 240 FC disk drives at 2 Gb/s transfer rates.
  •  Includes HP Systems Insight Manager
  • Three base models: 2C2D, 2C6D and 2C12D
  • Each model comes installed in a 42U graphite cabinet, with a pair of HSV210 controllers, 2, 6 or 12 M5314A disk drive enclosures (depending on the model), a set of four FC-AL switches (in 2C6D and 2C12D models, and optional for 2C2D model), mounting hardware and cables.
  •  M5314A 14-bay disk drive enclosure, with mounting hardware and cables, for expanded factory built configurations or for field upgrades
  • EVA8000 Controller Pair, with a pair of HSV210 controllers, mounting hardware and cables for field installation
  • HP StorageWorks EVA4000/6000/8000 v5.0a controller media kit (XCS v5.030)

For pricing on new or used HP EVA 8000 disk arrays, upgrades or parts, please contact Vibrant sales at or call 888-443-8606 or 952-653-1700.