Robert Davie, Founder of Venderis was gracious
enough to answer a few of our questions regarding his revolutionary new
End of Life IT Asset Recovery software solution, Venderis Software
Solution Suite.
“Armored trucks, employee background checks, the issues
that relate to sending systems off-site are all eliminated by our
In a nutshell, what does Venderis do?
“I need more than a nutshell to describe Venderis… but here
goes. Venderis has sort of a dual role. It reduces the risk of data
stored on PCs from escaping to the public domain, while at the same time
it increases the resale value of PC assets.
Venderis accomplishes this dual role in several ways:
1. By erasing hard drives
2. By restoring the original Operating System
3. By running diagnostics important to the resale community
4. By discovering and auditing the level of hardware details necessary for resale
And probably most importantly, Venderis performs its functions across a WAN, LAN or enterprise network thereby making these end-of-life processes automated, fast and easy.”
How did you come up with the idea for Venderis?
“There is an interesting story behind this. Three of us went away to
the North Carolina coast to brainstorm and discuss a several ideas for
processes that occur at the end of the life of PCs. Utilizing my
experience in the used computer industry, taking advantage of an
employee’s strengths, and adding the objective viewpoints of a
Harvard MBA, we set off to the beach for a brainstorm session.
After using an entire roll of whiteboard paper, a complete set of
magic markers, and exhausting our brains, we came up with five problem
areas that needed desperate attention, and that could be automated
through software application.”
What is your background in the IT industry?
“I have been in the IT asset remarketing industry since I graduated
from college, with the exception of a short stint of three years at IBM,
almost 20 years altogether. As the founder of, I was
responsible for creating a large marketplace for buyers and sellers of
used computer and networking systems.
Over 1500 computer resellers participate in the
marketplace and my interaction with them generated unique insights into
the inner-workings of the industry that allowed me to launch Venderis.”
Who can benefit from using the Venderis Asset Recovery Software Solution?
“Fortune 5000 companies, large organizations, IT Asset Remarketers,
Recovery Specialists. Anyone who is concerned about cutting costs at the
end of life of an IT asset. Anyone who is concerned about chain of
custody of sensitive data contained within hard drives. Anyone who needs
to maximize the resale value of PC assets.”
What is your current go-to-market plan?
“We intend to leverage our network of over 1500 IT resellers
developed over a 10-year period at These relationships
represent the leading resellers in the United States and around the
world. Venderis will support an initial group of 12 leading resellers,
then a larger group of resellers, through an extensive and comprehensive
marketing and support system that includes marketing materials,
co-selling, Live Support, On-site Training, On-site Support and
Security is a hot-button issue in the asset recovery world, does Venderis help address these concerns?
“Security is an extremely important issue. It was one of the driving factors in the development of Venderis.
Venderis can guarantee that sensitive data stays within an
organization by providing the ability to wipe 10 or 10,000 systems
on-site and simultaneously. The chain of custody stays with the end user
of Venderis, no third-party erasure is required and therefore absolute
safety of sensitive data is guaranteed! Armored trucks, employee
background checks, the issues that relate to sending systems off-site
are all eliminated by our solution.
Finally, there is no limit to the number of Department of Defense-standard erasures Venderis can perform.”
Vibrant is proud to be a tier1 reseller of Venderis. We’ll be working the Venderis booth along with Robert at the upcoming E-Scrap IT Asset Recovery Conference
where they are a sponsor. If you’re in the Asset Recovery business,
please stop by our booth and introduce yourself, meet Robert and learn
more about how Venderis can benefit you and your clients.